Establishing of a Limited Liability Company (full services including obtaining a stamp, easy signature and opening bank accounts) – 300 manats |
Establishing of joint stock companies – 500 manats |
Establishing a branch and representative office of a foreign legal entity – 3000 – 5000 manats (the price varies depending on the volume of obligations) |
Obtaining licenses (permits) – 5000 – 20000 manats (the price varies depending on the field of activity) |
Liquidation of a legal entity (the price varies depending on the valume of liabilities) – 1000 – 8000 manats |
Declaring bankruptcy of a legal entity (the service fee varies depending on the volume of liabilities) – 1500 – 5000 manats |
Drafting and terminating of all types of contracts (purchase, rent, service, credit etc.) – 200 – 500 manats |
Preparation of international contracts -2000 – 3000 |
Providing a legal opinion on contracts or accompaniment in concluding a contract – 200 – 300 manats |
Conducting a legal audit in legal entities and providing an opinion on the result – 1000 – 3000 manats |
Registration of trademarks, potenting – 1000 – 2000 manats |
Global patenting – 8500 manats |
Obtaining the ISO 9001 quality certificate – 4500 manats |
Obtaining the ISO 14001 quality certificate – 6500 manats |
Obtaining the ISO 45001 quality certificate – 9000 manats |
Obtaining three of the ISO 9001, ISO 140001, ISO 45001 quality certificates – 14000 manats |
Obtaining or extending work permits to foreigners – 800 manats |
Obtaining or extending a residence permit to foreigners – 500 manats |
Application for citizenship to foreigners – 5000 manats |
Application for obtaining a permanent residence permit to foreigners – 2000 manats |